Güven Mühendislik Makine is a company that considers environmental values. Our values ​​that we follow on this path;
To comply with all national and international legal regulations and conditions related to the environment,
To ensure the protection of natural resources by reducing the use of raw materials by using appropriate technologies that cause the least harm to the environment within the framework of technical and economic possibilities,
Considering the environmental effects in plant and process design,
To develop our environmental management system in order to continuously improve our environmental performance,
Making savings in the consumption of resources such as electrical energy, water, paper and natural gas used in offices and production units and ensuring the creation of a technological and systemic infrastructure for this,
Identifying stakeholders that significantly affect or are affected by the company's activities, and consider the stakeholder engagement process and the views of these stakeholders in the Company's action plans,
To raise awareness of all our works, our subcontractors and the people of the environment about our responsibilities to the environment, and to ensure their participation,
To be in constant communication with suppliers and customers in order to improve the environmental effects of the product, to evaluate alternatives for recycling and re-evaluation by reducing waste that may occur as a result of production transportation, stocking, operation, treatment and maintenance activities,
Within the company, in order to increase environmental awareness and ensure the internalization of environmental policy, with continuous training on sustainable environment and allocating resources; to create an environmentally sensitive corporate culture in cooperation with all its employees, customers and suppliers.